Yesterday was Sunday: Where was your Commander-in-Chief?

Yesterday was Sunday. Where was your commander-in-chief?

A. Defending Israel in the week of her birth by denouncing Syria's brazen invasion of her border?

B. Recognizing Bush's role in our successes in the war on terror?

C. Touring even one area of natural devastation: Louisiana, Texas, or Mississippi?

D. Attending church, even if only to pray for comprehensive immigration reform before 2012?

E. Denouncing NLRB members in their never-ending quest of the destruction of the private sector?

F. Meeting with the unemployed of the Gulf Coast to speed domestic oil production?

G. At the Southern border cutting the ribbon on his latest shovel-ready, border securing, moat-digging project?

H. Meeting with the widows of slain cops?

I. Or, on the golf course for the 7th straight week - a record-breaking 68th round since assuming office?

If you correctly answered "I," you are likely an eyes-wide-open conservative type who understands that Presidential behavior in the most perilous of times defines a Presidency.

If you answered "A" through "H," you overestimate your commander-in-chief at your own peril. A Beer Summit may be in order. It may help to narrow your multiple choice answers in the future by knowing that at any given moment Obama is either organizing, Alinsky'izing, or golfing.

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