Israel Law Center Stops 'Audacity of Hope'

As of now, the Audacity of Hope, a US to Gaza vessel with 50 passengers, reporters and crew, are trying to join an international flotilla to break the Gaza coastal blockade, but are being detained in a Greek Port.

There have been many attempts at stopping this US ship from pursuing this journey, including US and UN warnings that their participation may be a violation of American criminal law, and the consequences are in their hands. The US does not support this flotilla and will not protect them.

During the past few months, the Shurat Hadin, Israel Law Center, began a civil law suit against the organizers of the Audacity of Hope for Dr. Alan Bauer, a Harvard-educated biologist and terror victim injured in a 2002 Jerusalem bombing.  It is this firm that now reveals that they had anonymously made a civil complaint to the Greek harbormasters that the vessel is unfit for the journey and accuses the organization of aiding terror.  

One of the passengers, the outspoken Ann Wright, believes it is Israel putting economic pressure on the Greek government during their time of  great financial stress.  Meanwhile, the original Mavi Marmara is not joining this 2nd flotilla and the IHH, a Turkish financial organization that supported the first flotilla, has pulled out. As more and more pressure is applied to this operation, it seems that their true purpose for this flotilla is only for public sympathy for the Palestinian cause.

They are not carrying any humanitarian aid, or other supplies. They are only carrying, with the hope of delivering for display, 1,000 letters written by 'Americans' to show that Americans care about the Palestinian people in Gaza.  Given there appears to be no longer a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and the Rafah Crossing from Egypt into Gaza is open,  the Audacity is obviously hell bent on instigating a major confrontation, with reporters (I am sure Pro-Palestinian reporters from the Times, CNN and other media) filming and editing events and offering it up for instant public consumption. 

Here's hoping that this civil complaint will stop these people and save them from themselves.  One has to wonder how these 36 passengers, seemingly with good intentions, allow themselves to become puppets of terror groups and propaganda fodder. Can it be that the left's agenda of Israel bashing that has become so fashionable today, making Israel guilty until proven innocent?   

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