Michelle Obama Tells Tales to South Africans

Now that most of the dupes who voted for their love-object in 2008 have been betrayed in the worst way, Michelle Obama is trying to sell the same pre-election snake oil 8,000 miles away. The First Lady spoke to the Young African Women's Forum in Soweto, South Africa on Wednesday reprising the slogan which washed over American youth three years earlier.

M. OBAMA: Yes, we can." (Applause.) What do you say? Yes, we can. (Applause.) What do you say? Yes, we can!

AUDIENCE: Yes, we can!

The comic ending followed a familiar reading of the Obamas' journey from selfless, struggling altruists working in the slums of South Side Chicago to the White House.

Barack got a job as a community organizer in the struggling neighborhoods on the South Side of Chicago But Barack started talking to people. He urged them to start working on the change they wanted to see...Slowly, the neighborhoods started to turn around. Little by little, people started feeling hopeful again.

And when I graduated, got a job at a big, fancy law firm -- nice salary, big office. My friends were impressed. My family was proud. By all accounts, I was living the dream.

But I knew something was missing. I wanted to be down on the ground working with kids, helping families put food on the table and a roof over their heads.

So I left that job for a new job training young people like yourselves for careers in public service. I was making a lot less money. My office wasn't so nice. (Laughter.) But every day, I got to watch those young people gain skills and build confidence. And then I saw them go on to mentor and inspire other young people. And that made me feel inspired. It still does.

See, my husband and I, we didn't change any laws, we didn't win any awards, get our pictures in the paper. But we were making a difference in people's lives. We were part of something greater than ourselves. And we knew that in our own small way, we were helping to build a better world.

Myriad sources in the United States have since "deconstructed" Mrs. Obama and her husband. The pair has failed to make a difference in anyone's lives but their own.  An April, 2008 online article debunked the Obama myth.

In terms of concrete accomplishments, Obama and "hundreds of other organizers" were not able to transform the South Side neighborhoods or bring in new industries to provide jobs.

The mystery is how with all this community activity, Obama managed to remain ignorant of the fact that his benefactor, Antoin Rezko, wasn't paying utility bills for his tenants, many of whom lived in Obama's IL state senate district.

Obama...took campaign donations from Rezko even as Rezko's low-income housing empire was collapsing, leaving many African-American families in buildings riddled with problems - including squalid living conditions, vacant apartments, lack of heat, squatters and drug dealers.

Michelle followed suit. She left a job at a prestigious law firm in 1991 and headed straight past the crime-ridden projects to Mayor Daley's office. His deputy chief of staff Valerie Jarrett offered her a job on the spot. The First Lady did not accept right away. Before Michelle agreed she and her future husband showed their true Mother Teresa Christian spirit-Chicago style by essentially asking Jarrett "what's in it for us?"

My fiancé wants to know who is going to be looking out for me and making sure that I thrive.

Later Michelle commanded a six-figure salary 'helping' poor African American neighbors in South Side Chicago to find health care far away from the Medical Center where she worked. Seems the indigent masses were not helping to increase the hospital's revenue. 'Our Lady of Illinois' concocted a scheme to circumvent the federal EMTALA laws which prohibit emergency rooms from denying treatment to anyone regardless of their ability to pay.

The jig is up for Michelle and Barack in the United States. Polls consistently show that the couple's glory days are almost over here in America. No wonder the First Lady is spending taxpayer money to travel abroad. She can play to unsuspecting audiences like the young ladies in Soweto and revel in the applause of those who still believe in fairy tales.

Read more M.Catharine Evans at Potter Williams Report

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