Mitt Romney Plays Mitt Romney on TV

Does Mitt Romney actually stand for anything? Or for everything?

Deroy Murdock has recently compiled a blistering assembly of Romney positions in a column entitled "Will the Real Mitt Romney Please Stand Up?"  eviscerating the current GOP primary standard bearer for, shall we say inconsistency?

From service in Vietnam, to abortion, to ethanol subsidies, to gay marriage, to gun control, to supporting Reagan, Romney has carved out clear diametrically opposed positions on each.

The more you look at Romney the more he resembles not a candidate but an actor playing a new Mitt Romney every day.   Each morning we imagine that he is given a new poll-driven script to read for the daily edition of his daytime drama, "The Days of My Lives." Hawk, dove, pro-life, pro-choice, anything can emanate from Romney Productions in any given episode.

What is clear is that what we are left with Mitt Romney is John McCain with an MBA.

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