Remembering D-Day

June 6th, 1944, D-Day, is something our current media tends to forget.

The 82'nd and 101'st Airborne were the first to land in the wee hours, to secure vital
bridges and towns.  They landed in swamps, fields that were setup to take out landing aircraft and paratroops, in trees, and towns, armed with guns to shoot them down and without any support.

Beaches like Charlie, Dog, Easy, Fox, and Utah were well prepared against the incoming assault. 

Yet we prevailed.  We did not give up or retreat.  Under machine guns, mortar fire and grenades we continued to advance. 

Let us give our thanks to those who have given the utmost sacrifice ... their lives, as well as those who were wounded and those that managed to survive this most historic event that spelled the turning point in World War II!

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