Where do we go to get our reputations back?

After Obama has been defeated, and we have a president of quality in the White House that we can trust to obey the Constitution once again, how will America as a nation, and all of us as Americans, restore our reputations?

In 2008 having elected and given immense power to a person with no experience, no school records, no verifiable birth certificate, and paying lawyers millions  to keep these details of his history secret. What kind of a people or country born in freedom would be so careless as to take such a risk? How do we explain these errors in judgment to our children and  grand children, and the world? We have let this man and his group of revolutionaries harm this nation and the entire world in no small way. How do we make amends for letting such things happen?

 How do we explain to our children and grandchildren why we elected a stranger who spent their future income trying to build a socialist system that left them with trillions of dollars of debt to pay, and for what?  Their standard of living will be worse than ours today.  How do we say we are sorry that we didn't notice that this man was a Marxist in every respect from day one, yet we still called him just a liberal.  How do we explain we were too timid because he was black, and to call him out on his outrages risked being called racist?  How do we justify to them our not paying  attention to how one half of our two party system was being bought and paid for a Hungarian revolutionary philanthropist and criminals bent on destroying our freedom our Constitution and our way of life?

Do we stand up like honorable men and women and come clean? Do we say to anyone that will listen that we really screwed up, and threw away your future for the sake of a few trinkets and some easy money? Do we fess up and say we were wrong to turn away from God and our founding documents
and let the left, whose sole mission in life was to corrupt us all, lead us by the nose to this disaster for over 75 years?  We did nothing to  push back and do right by our children and their future.

Or, do we hide our faces in shame lies, and excuses?  Do we try to sweep this monstrous epic in American history under the rug?  Do we succumb to the mind numbing rhetoric of racism when we try to explain what went wrong, and our culpability in not paying attention to our responsibilities as citizens to mind our government  of the people by the people and for the people?  I hope that this time we don't leave it to the left wing historians.  I hope this time we can find the courage and a reason for a top to bottom house cleaning of the enemies that have come to live within our system over the past century. So that we might recover some of our reputations and credibility as a nation and a people.  I can hear the laughter from Brussels to Brisbane.  We owe it to our children and grand children to do the right thing.

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