Bachmann haul for 2nd quarter: $4 million

It's a bigger take than others but not near as much as Romney's $18.5 million for the quarter. Still, it shows forward momentum. Remember, the debate occurred roughly half way through the second quarter and her fortunes have been rising steadily - even spectacularly - since then.


The Minnesota congresswoman brought in $2 million through fundraising in the past 2 1/2 weeks and transferred another $2 million from her congressional account, CBS said on its website Thursday night, citing a Republican source close to Bachmann.

The campaign would not comment.

Bachmann's fundraising puts her in the same range as most of the other Republican hopefuls for the 2012 election with the exception of front-runner Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor who raised $18.25 million, according to campaign filings.

"Fundraising is not going to be a problematic issue for Bachmann," said Eric Ostermeier, a research associate at the University of Minnesota who runs a popular politics blog.

Bachmann raised $13.5 million -- more than all of her colleagues in the House of Representatives -- during the 2010 election cycle, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

Most of her cash is coming from small donations - an excellent sign of her grass roots strength. But now that she's a frontrunner in Iowa, the bullseye has become bigger and the pressure will be on to close in on Romney's fundraising totals.

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