Dissecting Democrats

James Taranto, writing at WaltStreetJournal.com has just made me spew coffee on the keyboard.  Commenting on a fawning Obama piece in the Boston Globe by Joshua Green, wherein Green compares Obama's character traits to those of Dr. Spock of Star Trek fame. Here's what the liberal Green had to say:

Practically a caricature of Spock-like rationality and sober caution, he's presiding over a capital that has become completely unhinged.

And this was Taranto's spot-on observation:

Come to think of it, there are major similarities between Obama and Spock. Both have oversize ears. Both were fathered by aliens, although Obama's parents hailed from the same planet. Both are ill suited for command, although Spock was not ambitious enough to seek it.

And it gets even more spot-on when Taranto creates a bogus old Spock quote:

And of course everyone remembers the episode in which Spock said: "Imagine Captain Kirk drivin' the Enterprise into a wormhole"--Vulcans always drop their g's when they're trying to sound folksy--"and it's a deep wormhole. It's a big wormhole. And somehow he walked away from the accident, and we put on our boots and we transported down into the wormhole--me and Bones and Scotty and Hikaru and Nyota. We've been pushin', pushin', tryin' to get that starship out of the wormhole. And meanwhile, Kirk is standin' there, sippin' on a Slurpee."

OK, we exaggerated. He didn't actually say "Nyota." Lieutenant Uhura didn't have a first name until the 2009 "Star Trek" movie.

It never ceases to amaze me how easy it is to make liberals and Democrats look so foolish. Unfortunately, to do so requires reading their daily output which is more than this old man's curmudgeonly temperament can bear. Thank goodness for Taranto and others like them who find this nonsense and dissect it so delightfully. Read the whole piece. By the time Taranto puts down the scalpel there's little left of Green's creative cadaver on the autopsy table.

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