Sign of the times; the hungry young victims of Obamanomics

Even as Michelle Obama travels the world campaigning against childhood obesity, many children in America are being starved by her husband's inept stewardship of our nation's economy.  According to the Boston Globe:


Doctors at a major Boston hospital report they are seeing more hungry and dangerously thin children in the emergency room than at any time in more than a decade of surveying families.


Many families are unable to afford enough healthy food to feed their children, say the Boston Medical Center doctors.  The resulting chronic hunger threatens to leave scores of infants and toddlers with lasting learning and developmental problems.




Pediatricians at hospitals in four other cities - Baltimore; Little Rock; Minneapolis; and Philadelphia - also reported increases in the ranks of malnourished, hungry youngsters in their emergency rooms since 2008.


Mr. Obama's failed economic policies have kept his allies in the public sector unions well fed and comfortable on stimulus dollars and QE2 has helped to assure an impressive stream of campaign cash from Wall Street while forcing the majority of our citizens to find creative new ways to stay afloat.  The well insulted (sic) members of the Obama regime seem to think that record numbers of Americans on food stamps is a sign of success.


FLOTUS' campaign to get us to eat healthier food isn't really having any impact (although I have been boycotting French Fries lately) however POTUS' campaign to spend his way to a second term has caused most us to eat smaller portions.  We are paying the same for a jar of peanut butter, but the jar seems to have shrunk.  Inflation?


Professor Rafael Perez-Escamilla with the Yale School of Public Health is one of a number of researchers who are exploring a link between hunger in a child's early years and obesity later in life.  If the research is correct then the high unemployment, under-employment and inflation that are the hallmarks of Obamanomics will result in a proportionate increase in obesity in the years to come.


Mrs. Obama, how many of these starving children could have been fed with just the amount money which was spent on your recent visit to Africa?  As our friends in the NEA would say "It's all about the children."  How about some shared sacrifice from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?


July 29, 2011



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