Tax. Spend. Borrow. Repeat.

Our federal colossus currently collects $175 billion per month from its citizens. But, it spends nearly $300 billion over the same period. The Obama government is borrowing about $125 billion per month just to "make ends meet". You don't need a doctorate in economics from an Ivy League college to see this just won't work.

However, this formula for fiscal Armageddon comprises the foundation of the modern Democratic Party. If the liberal ideology were boiled down to directions on a shampoo bottle, it would read: "Tax. Spend. Borrow. Repeat."

The problem has reached this tipping point because the shampoo bottle is nearly empty. Casual observation proves that an empty bottle is much easier to overturn. Thus the justifiable concern expressed by a myriad of financial experts of all political views.

Washington liberals proceed upon their course, not due to principle, but because their political fortunes -- electoral and financial -- depend upon sating the never-satisfied "needs" of their special-interest supporters.  Apparently, a Democrat politician can no more foreswear taxes, spending and borrowing than a lemming can stop stubbornly moving ever closer to its impending oblivion.

But, the American public has seen enough.  They do not all agree on the proper course -- after all, when in a democracy does everyone agree?  But they fully comprehend that something has to give.

The great federal whale must be stopped from consuming all the food in the ocean. To do that the caloric intake of this beast must be greatly reduced. And, that means seriously cutting federal spending.

The unprecedented level of federal debt ($14+ trillion and rising) requires an equally unprecedented diet. The time for gimmicks and half-measures is long past. And, kicking the can down the road is no more a poultice for America than it was for Ireland and Greece.

House Republicans view this reality with perfect clarity. They are proposing and adopting measures to implement this ultimately responsible act of governance. They are the true adults in the room. They must stay the course and we must loudly proclaim our steadfast support.

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