The 'Arab Spring' becomes the 'Arab Mobilization'

The nations outside North Africa and the Middle East refer to the troubles there since January as the "Arab Spring," perhaps trying to link it romantically to the uprising in Poland.  However, the Middle East TV networks refer to it as the "Arab Awakening."   Why the polemic choice of labels?  This week an Arab TV network explained when they called it the "Arabs awakening to jihad."  This is internal jihad as the Moslem Brotherhood take over nation after nation to put together their caliphate while the West dreams springtime fantasies.


Last night the new word on al-Jazeera, our State Department's favorite news source which is the mouthpiece for the Moslem Brotherhood, was "mobilization" as in a "call to arms" or a "gathering of troops."  It was used in reference to the mobs gathering in Tunisia and Syria but not Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Jordan or Bahrain.   Who is the leader of these forces being mobilized?  The Moslem Brotherhood. 

In covering the demonstrations in Jordan they gave full credit to the Moslem Brotherhood and their affiliated Islamic Action Group.  You could tell al-Jazz was inciting like mad--mobilizing though they did not use the word there yet.   


Not only is al-Jazz mobilizing troops for Tunisia and Syria but so is the USA ambassador and al-Jazz gave him a lot of time tonight.  It is like he is cheer-leading the troops that al-Jazz is mobilizing for the Moslem Brotherhood.  This fellow, Robert Ford, was appointed without Congressional approval.  He is "a professional diplomat."  Well, this professional diplomat has opened a Facebook page to encourage the rebellion and a video that had been on the Washington Post website of him in Hama with the French ambassador has been "closed due to its removal."  Understand:  I do not think that Bashir Assad is a "good" guy and would be comfortable with them all killing one another off, but I am not comfortable with my country siding with the Moslem Brotherhood in nation after nation. . .Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria.  Will the Obama-Clinton State Department support the Moslem Brotherhood as it tries to overthrow the king in Jordan? 

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