The Crocodile Feeding in Norway

See also: The blond, blue-eyed terror suspect in Oslo (updated)

"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile -- hoping it will eat him last." Winston Churchill

Norway, which has a sordid history of feeding the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel beast, woke up this morning to the shock of the Islamist beast feeding on Norwegian blood.

Update and correction: Early reports were that a bomb by an Al Qaeda-linked group caused an explosion at the government headquarters in Oslo. Those reports were incorrect.

 The body count is not yet in, but most of Norway must be asking "Why us? Haven't we been sufficiently anti-Semitic and anti-Israel?"

If anti-Israel sentiment were a shield against Islamist attacks, Norway should have had an Iron Dome. Rather than oppose the growing internal threat from radical Islam, left-wing Norwegian government parties have chosen to appease them by fighting Israel. The list of anti-Israel initiatives is far too long to mention, but some highlights include Kristin Halvorsen , the Norwegian Minister of Finance, proposing a boycott of Israel

Norway later stepped back on the "official" boycott which had turned into an embarrassment; however, boycotters were not dissuaded. The province of South-Trøndelag officially called for an economic boycott of Israel and it received the support of all three Norwegian governing parties - the Labour Party (Ap) of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre, Halvorsen's SV and the environmentalist Center Party . Just this year the congress of the Electrician and IT workers union in Norway unanimously voted in favor of a resolution calling for boycott of Israeli goods, a ban on Norwegian arms trade with the Israeli military, and end to all research cooperation.

Norway's notorious boycott is not only of Israeli products but of any thoughts which might be deemed pro-Israel. Alan Dershowitz came face to face with the anti-Israel blockade when he was denied permission to speak at three major Norwegian universities, which had warmly welcomed professors who had demonized Israel. 

Dershowitz points out that the boycott against cultural pro-Israeli academics assumes that "all Jews are presumed to be pro-Israel unless they have a long track record of anti-Israel rhetoric" and that "every single inch of Israel is occupied Palestinian land."

Should boycotts prove insufficient to placate the Muslim world, Norway's Socialist Left Party said that it was open to the idea of Norwegian military action against Israel: "The international community's credibility in the confrontation with the Qaddafi regime is weakened when there is no reaction against other states in the region that commit assaults on civilians." 

Norwegians eagerness to appease their Muslim countrymen and the entire Islamic world has poured fire on the fuel of anti-Semitism. Life has become more difficult for the tiny population (about 2,000) of Jews in Oslo. Jewish children have been advised not to wear Stars of David or yarmulkes to avoid attacks. Kosher butchering is illegal. On two nights in January 2009, Norway's Jews experienced a new "Kristallnacht" (Nazi night of broken glass) when hundreds of violent Muslims vandalized block after block while police stood by pathetically weak.

A June publication of a study "Religious racism shocks officials," 8 June 2011.  ordered by the Oslo municipality on racism and anti-Semitism revealed shocking Jewish persecution, especially of young people. In an analysis of the study, Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld,  Chairman of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs and author of "Anti-Semitism in Norway; Behind the Humanitarian Mask", decries that Kristin Halvorsen, one of the most virulent anti-Semites in Norway, is in charge of researching anti-Semitism in Norway.  Gerstenfeld concludes, "This will probably serve to be another example of how arsonists may now simultaneously be taught to become firemen." Gerstenfeld directly links the rise in anti-semitism in Oslo schools "to the extreme anti-Israel hate mongering in Norway expressed by government ministers, politicians, media, trade unions, academics, certain Church leaders and others."

Today a bewildered Oslo is learning a truth they might have learned in 1939: the beast of fanatacism grows more insatiable with every act of appeasement.

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