The Rule of Lawlessness

Mark Levin, the conservative philosopher of the airways, reminded me recently of what Milton Freidman once said:

Why is it considered nobler when a politician spends your money than when you spend your money?

Which begs the following questions. Why has society embraced such a mindset? Why are so many in the West again falling for the failed economic beliefs of Marx, Engels, Keynes and the radical environmentalists?

What has caused teenagers and even pre-teenagers in Britain, Wisconsin, Philadelphia, and Lord knows where else, to riot, burn businesses, loot and beat up innocent passers-by? Why do they act as demented and feral human beings, while claiming that they hate the rich and the world owes them everything?

How has a generation been spawned that is devoid of basic morality? Why has such a large percentage of young people no understanding of right or wrong, is devoid of Judeo-Christian values and civilization, and rejects personal ambition or initiative? Why does it dismiss so violently hard work and personal enterprise?

The answers lie, I believe, in the pervasive love affair by so many politicians and governments with the welfare state; the cradle to grave entitlement ideology. But now we see that when a government finally comes to the realization that it can no longer afford the ever increasing, but unfunded, entitlements previously granted to its population and reins in the largesse, that the mob then takes to the streets; be it in Greece or Great Britain. 

The capitalist and free market idea has been vilified in the late 20th and early 21st centuries to such an extent that the prevailing professorial mantras in academia - or what has become in essence many colleges and universities of "lower" learning - deride with contempt the profit motive. Indeed, "profit" is now considered a dirty word by so many. The very young learn this starting in our public schools.

Dr. George Reisman in his book, Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics, points out that Leftist professors and economists sneer at Capitalism and the free market system. In their minds the profit motive is the cause of:

... starvation wages, exhausting hours, sweatshops, and child labor; of monopolies, inflation, depressions, wars, imperialism, and racism. Saving is hoarding. Competition is the law of the jungle. Businessmen and capitalists are recipients of "unearned income" and are "exploiters. Retailers and wholesalers are "middlemen," having no function but that of adding "markups" to the prices charged by farmers and manufacturers; advertisers are inherently guilty of fraud -the fraud of attempting to induce people to desire the goods that capitalism showers on them, but that they allegedly have no natural or legitimate basis for desiring.

As Dr. Reisman further points out:

These are all common accusations that are bandied about again and again, ad nauseam, in the media, in novels and plays, in classrooms and lecture halls

Is it any wonder than that so many people have become so reliant on an ever growing central government whose tentacles reach into every aspect of a citizen's life and property? 

The government's function should be concentrated on national defense and law and order. But it is now involved in public education, labor union legislation, railroads, the health system, subsidies for farmers, manufacturers, the unemployed and student loans, income and inheritance taxes, minimum wages, social engineering programs and on and on and on.

It is passing strange that far too many in society now accept that even the word, capitalism, is a pejorative implying unfettered greed and exploitation. Yes, there have been instances, indeed many, where the ugly face of capitalism has reared its head. But capitalism is also a well-grounded and demonstrably proven system of progress and prosperity open to all who will grasp it. The founding fathers knew that and acted upon it.

The market system works, as does abiding by the rule of law and educating people to stand on their own two feet, to save, and to embrace fully the work ethic. History is full of examples of poor individuals who did not wait for government handouts but who strove to make of themselves a better life and who thus raised families and grew wealthy and wise.

Now the mobs in Britain, consisting of young people who are devoid of any such knowledge, "demand" that the rich give up their wealth and possessions - obtained often from a lifetime of effort and simple hard work - and give it away to them.

And if they resist, it will be taken by force. Here is the mindset of a lost generation where, in Britain for example, government handouts are expected and self-reliance by many is unheard of.

Which begs a final question. Does civil unrest benefit the Left, which tirelessly works to undo the West?

Victor Sharpe is a freelance writer and author of Volumes one & Two of Politicide. 

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