Bad news for Obama

Yesterday was a bad day for the president and his wide-eyed socialist utopian minions.  The bad news started with everyone waking up to the huge Democrat losses for the house seats in New York and Nevada.  Then there was more bad news about the European Union, followed by more bad news about Obama's drop in the polls.  Then his efforts to peddle his jobs creation bill to dumbed down college students in North Carolina went nowhere except with a few coeds who thought they were at a rap concert and got confused when they started shouting "I love you" to the would be rockstar in chief

Then there was the news  about Obama's  strongman, David Axelrod,  reversing course and indicating the President would now consider options to his jobs bill- something totally 180 degrees different from the day before.  But the topper had to be the news about "Solargate", otherwise known as the Solyndra pay-to-play loan scandal   That is why, 9-14-11, may go down in history as FDR said, " A day that will live in Infamy." 

Why was yesterday such a big deal?  It's the first day a non FNC (Fox News Channel) news outlet was able to get a scandalous story into wide spread circulation (way to go Brian Ross & ABC!).   So what does this mean?  For the 5% of the people in the MSM that still have some integrity and honesty when it comes to reporting the truth, they now have the yellow light (not quite green) to stick their necks out and start reporting on the thousands of other scandals, miscarriages of justice, mismanagement, and other events that have been swept under the rug.  My guess is that Obama, his Czars, and central planners in agencies everywhere sensed this yesterday more than any other day since Obama's coronation in January, 2009.  In fact, I think they more than just sensed it, I bet they were texting each other all day long on what this means for their grandiose plans to "transform Amerika" and do it under the radar..

So sure,  95% of journalists will circle the wagons to protect their investment in Obama.  But for the first time, the other 5% in the MSM will take risks - mostly because this new scandal,  "Solargate"  will give them an opening they have not had before.

So I say, "go get em" to the  5% of journalists out there.  The door has been opened

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