Duck! It's a Flying Pig

When Anthony Weiner resigned his seat in the House, Democrats didn't spend much time worrying about keeping the seat.  But the electorate, and even some of the liberal media, are up for an other round of the same old, same old.  The New York Daily News is a liberal tabloid paper with a working class readership.  The seat in question is in New York City,  not the tony, ultra liberal bastions of Manhattan but still New York City.  It is heavily Jewish.  The Daily News admits than on the issue of the economy Turner is the stronger candidate and endorses him over local party hack Weprin.

The Daily News endorses Bob Turner over David Weprin for Congress to replace Anthony Weiner

After a private-sector career as a television industry executive, Turner has a real-world sense of the country's fiscal distress and of the pressing need to jump-start employment opportunities.

Voters in the overwhelmingly Democratic Brooklyn-Queens district have responded well to Turner despite his sin of being a Republican.

With no name recognition and little money, he scored an astounding 40% of the vote against the well-known Weiner last year. And the polls now put Turner within easy striking distance of Democratic rival David Weprin.

Turner has the right central priority: tackling the federal deficit and creating a climate for job growth.

He accepts the truth that America cannot climb out of its hole without reforming Medicare and Social Security. He put on the table such measures as raising the retirement eligibility age for people who are 55 or younger.

A recent poll, albeit one with a very small sample, has the race tied 42-42.    If Turner wins th special election on September 13, watch Democrat heads explode all across the nation.  . 

For more on Bob Turner see
his campaign site

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