Forthcoming movie on conflict with China

The movie "Two de Force" is in its final stages of post-production,  and will be in theatres, near you, very soon. It is categorized as an action packed movie, featuring a head to head confrontation between the United States of America and The People's Republic of China.

It could be classified as an update of the Cuban Missile Crisis.  China decides to blackmail America in order to collect the ever increasing debt, but with intimidation, declaring the US Dollar as useless.  A very possible and certainly realistic scenario which could very well happen in the near future.

This idea is neither considered to be impossible and/or far-fetched, and has unquestionably crossed the minds of Chinese and Americans alike. A simple combination of the ongoing financial disaster in America with the ever increasing debt to China is already producing a dangerous level of tension. Many experts are predicting some kind of a showdown or even some type physical aggression from China. This could trigger an unstoppable war between the two superpowers.

Why not? The totalitarian Communist ideals of China differ and strongly contradict the Democracy "Land of the Free" attitude of America.  The Chinese are running out of land and America has plenty of available space to offer.  A scenario of this magnitude is theoretically possible and Writer-Director Orestes Matacena has put it into play with this highly anticipated film. Here's The Synopsis and Concept:


It is 2012. The US delegation and the Chinese delegation meet in Beijing to discuss the US debt to China and all hell gets lose in a clash between these two super powers.


Writer-Director Orestes Matacena wrote the "Two de Force" story in the beginning of 2010 and everything that he wrote and was shot many months ago is happening right now in real life.  It's kind of eerie.

Of course, "Two de Force" is a movie not a documentary.  "Two de Force" is a drama with action and humor that exercises poetic license. Throughout the story, all the political characters are seen as normal people who happen to be in powerful positions.  Orestes wanted to show how these men and women act the same way we do when they are not in front of a television camera or at a public gathering. More importantly, he explores the big picture of politics, and he questions who really pulls the political strings that govern our daily lives and ultimately determine our future.

The story does not encourage partisan politics in any way, as we allow for an array of opinions to be represented. The goal of the story is not to encourage the audience to pick sides.  Instead, the goal is to challenge the viewer to think about the big picture and how all of us are affected by the decisions of regular people that happen to be elected to office in their respective countries.  And, in this story, these "regular guys" happen to be the leaders of the two major world powers.

Normally, we only get to see what is allowed to be presented to the public at large. But, what if we could see what happens behind closed doors. . .Official website

The trailer for this movie can be seen here. Would America survive? Is the "Cold War" really over?

Jose Reyes publishes

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