GOP pushback on Dem vote fraud

Those dastardly, anti-fair elections, civil rights-trampling Republicans are up to no good in states around the nation.  Leastwise, in states that the GOP controls, thanks to electoral gains in 2010.  Republicans are reforming -- err, re-writing -- state election laws, according to a report in the Washington Post, in ways that hurt Democrats.  Ouch!    

Want to know what nasty, underhanded, heap-hurt-on-Democrats GOP legislators are doing to state election laws? 

This from the Washington Post's reportage:   

They have curbed early voting, rolled back voting rights for ex-felons and passed stricter voter ID laws. Taken together, the measures could have a significant and negative effect on President Obama's reelection efforts if they keep young people and minorities away from the polls.

It all makes sense now.  These meanie Republicans are engaging in a vast conspiracy to keep minorities and America's callow voters away from polling places next year.  And forever, if GOP low-lifes have their underhanded way.    

Of course, GOP state election reform efforts would have nothing to do with tamping down massive voter fraud, which comes with early voting away from polling places.  And nothing to do with simply asking a voter for proof of identity.  Heaven knows, no one but no one would ever misrepresent himself at polling places, not an illegal, not some shill sent by a Democrat ward heeler in place of a critically ill granny.  Tombstones never vote in Chicago.  No, we should just take a voter's word that he is who he claims to be.  In fact, we should be just as trusting when selling cigarettes and booze to youngsters who say they're of legal age.  Trust is a fine thing, isn't it? 

And what are Republicans thinking wanting to keep ex-cons out of voting booths?  Geez, why should doing hard time for rape, murder, and child molestation -- among other sordid crimes -- keep these upstanding citizens from voting?  Heartless Republicans. 

But, luckily, the frauds and criminals have stout defenders, one being Judith Browne-Dianis, a civil rights attorney with something called the Advancement Project.  Browne-Dianis expressed to the Post a fear that nags at all those who seek fairness and justice:  

"It just seems like a partisan setup [that is] all about who is going to be in the White House in 2012," said [Judith] Browne-Dianis, whose group has issued a report arguing that the vote among young people and minorities is being suppressed. "This really is the worst rollback of voting rights that we've seen in a century."

No, no, Judith.  The GOP is actually attempting to advance voting rights and the rule of law through state election reforms.  Subverting the law and making a mockery of elections by protecting fraud are what you and your ilk want to accomplish -- or maintain, depending on the precinct.

It's heartening to see GOP legislators with the intestinal fortitude to make voting count by standing tall for the law.  Keep up the good work. 

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