Obama and the kids at Gleason's Gym

I teach boxing at Gleason's Gym.  A strange profession for a Ph.D. in literature and the former CEO of insurance brokerage companies.  I like it.  It roots my ankles to the canvas.  It gives me balance.

Strangely enough while the poor black kids around the gym are capitalists in search of Lamborghinis and bling, the middle class white kids claim that they are socialists. They have the time to concern themselves about income redistribution because they don't have to have summer jobs. They enjoy big allowances from their dads while they denounce the system that affords them luxuries. 

The poor, whom the white kids are slumming with, hate socialism.  They want to live in a competitive system.  They don't want to be on the dole any longer. They resent the welfare that the middle class people throw at them to belittle them and aggrandize themselves.  The street kids want to be the self-hating middle class without the self-hate. 

Our President confuses himself with a white middle class do-gooder and wants to spread out the wealth and form a nanny state. He doesn't understand that the nanny is the socialistic witch who steals from the rich while she spoils and corrupts the poor. The nanny wants to turn democracy into autocratic, intrusive sharing.  The nanny has a bitter teat. She is Lady Macbeth in the camouflage of a tutu. She is the Wicked Witch of the East who brings down the house of civilization while trying to dominate the Munchkins. 

Socialism gives with one hand and takes with its other seven octopus arms. It has collectivistic appendages. Our President is his own excuse for societal theft.  He is the apology for his own pickpocketing.  He is the joke in bureaucratic striving when you get beneath the feel-good intentions. He is the tentacles of your willingness to sacrifice for his bipolar narcissism. He is a chin uplifted to the sky so that he doesn't have to look down at his wreckage to our economy.

Socialism is the highway to hell beneath the octopus of overriding government. It is the arms of camouflaged dictatorship.  It is the octopus you don't see coming at you until you are trapped in Obama's eight arms of governmental autocracy.

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