Riot at Chinese solar plant

Angry over pollution issues, Chinese villagers have rioted at a solar panel plant in Zhejiang Province, just south of Shanghai, according to a BBC report:  

Around 500 people started gathering at Zhejiang Jinko Solar company in Haining city, Zhejiang province, on Thursday.

Some of protesters stormed the factory, overturning several company cars and destroying offices, officials said.

Residents in the nearby village of Hongxiao said they became concerned after the deaths of a large number of river fish.

One 64-year-old villager told the Associated Press that the factory - located close to a school and kindergarten - discharges waste into the river and spews dense smoke out of a dozen chimneys.

"The villagers strongly request that this factory be moved to another area," he said. "I am very worried about the health of the younger generation".

China's economic competitiveness too often comes at the expense of pollution.  Riots are not unusual there, either, as there are few channels for citizens to influence local officials, who are widely viewed as corrupt in China.

Hat tip: Peter von Buol

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