Which Came First, Government or the Worker?

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?  The question will forever be asked and never answered to everyone's agreement.  In Obama's world, the answer to which came first is government.  Government is the provider of your means.  It will provide you a job, food, a home, healthcare, education, etc.   

Successful, hard workers know this not to be true.   Even unsuccessful people know this to be untrue.  That is what keeps people striving to improve their lot.  There would be no government but for people creating a need for it and the means for it. 

In America, we are free to become whatever we want to become.  We do this on our own with different combinations of drive, ambition, a bit of luck, finding the opportunities, creativity and hard work.

Obama comes along singing a tune of fairness.  Successful people need to share with the unsuccessful through the government.  His answer to America's problems is to tax the greedy rich.  

In reality, every government worker owes his job, pensions and benefits to the rich.  In Obama's world, the rich includes everyone who has money.  This money is not really yours; it belongs to the benevolent government. 

Which came first, government or the worker?  It is the worker who came first.  The workers that become successful should be celebrated, not looked upon as evil and greedy.  You want your car to run and heat in the winter?  Thank the oil companies and every company on down the line that brings oil to you.  You want to eat?  Thank your neighborhood grocer, farmers and delivery means.  You want healthcare?  Thank your doctor, the medical schools and people who develop the technology for advancements in the medical field.  You want clothes on your back?  Thank the cotton growers, the pickers, the transporters, the designers, the sewers, and the stores that carry your favorites.  The government did not do this.  Individuals who turned into workers who, in turn, produced jobs for us to afford what we want made all this available. 

Obama is wrong about government and when it is said that he has grown government, he has grown it on our backs.  What he is doing with our money is pure theft.  He has taken our money in the form of taxes and given billions to his friends and enablers to do what they want.  This is not our America that celebrates individualism.

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