What I love most about Herman Cain

At times, part of me wants to support Herman Cain to somehow prove to liberals that just because one does not agree with the philosophy of the Democratic Party on race, one is not a racist.  I quickly recognize, however, that this plays right into the trap that was laid for me.  Liberals bait you into the discussion of race.  Once you are in, you have lost, because by definition, having the conversation means that it is relevant.  Liberals, then win because they can keep the conversation going and nobody can ever prove that one is or is not a racist or that one was held back by racism or not.

I like Herman Cain for reasons other than his skin color however as well.  I like the 'self-made businessman-turned-politician' model.  I like the fact that he comes off as more interested in straight talk than political positioning.  He isn't perfect.  I do have concerns about his knowledge of foreign policy and affairs.  To me, he can study up on those things, come up with a stance, articulate it and I will be fine with it.  He can't know less than the guy that is in there now.

I am going to sound like a liberal now, but here goes.  Here is what I love about Herman Cain:  The way that he makes me feel.  Herman Cain reminds me that we all face challenges in life.  Has Herman Cain run across some racism in his life?  I don't know for sure but I certainly would imagine that he has.  Did it upset him, bother him, frustrate him, and maybe set him back? I don't know for sure, but I would imagine that it has at times.   The question is: what did he do about it?  Did he give up because life is not perfect or did he recognize the many possibilities made available to him in a free country in spite of periodic racism or other types of discrimination? 

Herman Cain reminds me that we all face challenges in life, that life is not perfect, nor is it equitable in its distribution of gifts.  He reminds me that we have been blessed to live in a country that, in spite of its imperfections, provides the environment for one to work hard and find out what each of our God-given gifts are and use them to pursue our own happiness.

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