DOJ's Muslim Affirmation

When a Muslim is charged with terrorism, the Muslim "community" gets a warm and fuzzy affirmation from the U.S. Department of Justice. See here, here, and here. Other cultures, communities, and religions, not so much.

The U.S. Attorney's office for Massachusetts announced Tuesday the arrest of a U.S. citizen for allegedly plotting with al Qaeda to blow up the U.S. Capitol and the Pentagon:

A 26-year-old Ashland man was arrested and charged today in connection with his plot to damage or destroy the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol, using large remote controlled aircraft filled with C-4 plastic explosives. Rezwan Ferdaus, a U.S. citizen, was also charged with attempting to provide material support and resources to a foreign terrorist organization, specifically to al Qaeda, in order to carry out attacks on U.S. soldiers stationed overseas.

U.S. Attorney Carmen M. Ortiz didn't mention "Muslim" or "Islam" in her 1,515-word press release, so which "particular, culture, community or religion" is she affirming in her statement below? I'm guessing it isn't al Qaeda:

"I want the public to understand that Mr. Ferdaus' conduct, as alleged in the complaint, is not reflective of a particular culture, community or religion. In addition to protecting our citizens from the threats and violence alleged today, we also have an obligation to protect members of every community, race and religion against violence and other unlawful conduct."

Richard DesLauriers, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI's Boston Division, added a warning to the rest of us about engaging in "unlawful behavior against others in the community":

"It is important to remember that our system of justice is based on the notion of individual responsibility. Therefore, no one should cite Mr. Ferdaus' actions as an excuse or reason to engage in any unlawful behavior against others in the community. We will work diligently to protect the civil rights of all Americans."

Unlike Holder's visit to the Muslim "community" in San Francisco last December and his Sept. 30 visit with them in Portland, Oregon, the Italian "community" didn't get a reassuring visit from U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder when he announced last January the "biggest Mafia bust in New York history." The Mafioso bust included 127 arrests involving charges of murder, loansharking, extortion and labor racketeering.>Not once did Holder affirm DOJ's love of pasta and Sinatra or how an extremist segment has hijacked the culture of a great people. Holder's videotaped statement sounded like a review of The Godfather trilogy as he mentioned Italy, Mafia, La Cosa Nostra, consigliore, Columbo, Gambino, Bonnano, Genovese, and Luchese.Italians didn't get any amore when DOJ announced another Mafia bust on Sept. 23, 2011.

And there are more communities not feelin' the lovin' from DOJ. For instance:

Back in Massachusetts, Carmen Ortiz didn't snuff any suspicions that might arise against the American exterminating community when she announced a bust on Sept. 1 with this headline: "Bedbug exterminator guilty of unlawful use of pesticides." Ortiz said, "It is common knowledge that exposure to pesticides can have horrific effects on humans. To use them in such a reckless manner is unacceptable and will not be tolerated in this jurisdiction."The perp is an illegal alien from Brazil.The DOJ didn't blow a kiss to the NRA and law-abiding hunters, big surprise, when it announced the conviction of a Michigan grandfather, lawfully licensed to hunt in Canada, for "illegal importation of polar bear trophy from Canada."

Fretting about Polar bear trophy smugglers has been keeping me up at night. I can rest now, knowing that the border has never been more secure, just like the feds have been telling us.

The Amish "community" didn't get a blessing from DOJ after the FBI raided an Amish farmer for selling raw milk, an udderly heinous crime.

Not only did DOJ fail to affirm the honest trading "community" on Wall Street, DOJ put every trader under suspicion when it announced that Donald Johnson, a former Nasdaq managing director was convicted of insider trading. U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia Neil H. MacBride said that Johnson "learned what every other trader on Wall Street must now realize: We're watching, and when you're caught you'll face serious time in prison."You get the impression that Wall Street traders won't be invited to feast on $16 muffins at DOJ.Holder needs to explain why the Muslim "community" gets an affirmative action validation when a Muslim is busted for terrorism. Expect a fast and furious response.

Jan LaRue is senior legal analyst with the American Civil Rights Union.

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