Obama blamed for inflaming Wall Street protests

I'm not sure about this, but it makes an effective counter to Obama's class warfare rhetoric:

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said Friday that he believes the Occupy Wall Street protests stem from divisive rhetoric from President Obama, who has called for the richest Americans to pay increased taxes to help close the budget deficit.

"I see the president's rhetoric of envy inflaming the public and saying, 'Go get yours because rich people don't deserve it,'" Paul said on Fox Business.

Paul said he was worried that the president would stoke the protestors' passions to the point that they could become violent.

"I see it as inflaming this Paris mob that I hope doesn't result in a lawlessness where they say, 'Well, gosh, those nice iPads through the window should be mine and why don't I throw a brick through the window to get them because rich people don't deserve to have them when I can't have them,'" Paul said.

Conservatives have increasingly tried to paint the protesters as aligned behind the president's political interests. On Thursday, Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain questioned whether the protests were being "orchestrated" to help Obama.

I think Cain is closer to the truth here than Paul. "Orchestrated" is perhaps a more accurate assumption given that these are professional demonstrators who are veterans of left wing/anarchist protests. The fact that unions have joined the circus is also significant.

I don't think you can "incite" these cold blooded lefties to do anything. They are disciplined cadres of The Movement and will become violent only if they think it will serve the ultimate purpose of their "direct action" - whatever that might be. They've had 40 years or more of experience in this sort of thing and they don't need Obama to get their blood going.

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