Obama's job creation panel features job cutting execs

Tell me this isn't an Obama operation. LA Times:

In another public demonstration of concern about the struggling economy, President Obama will meet in Pittsburgh on Tuesday with the business and labor leaders he has chosen to counsel him on job creation.

But many of the chief executives have cut American jobs and adopted tactics that weaken organized labor - even as their businesses post record profits.

The executives are members of the President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, which Obama created in January by appointing 26 leaders of companies including American Express, Comcast and Intel. (A 27th member was added in June.)

When he created the council, which also includes two labor leaders, a biologist and an economist, Obama said its members would assist him to "do everything we can to spur hiring and ensure our nation can compete with anybody on the planet."

Just days before the president appointed Kenneth I. Chenault, chairman and chief executive of American Express, to the council, the company announced a massive restructuring that closed a facility in North Carolina and eliminated 550 jobs, or about 1% of the company's workforce. At the same time, American Express announced it had made $1.1 billion in the fourth quarter of 2010, up 48% from the same period the previous year.

Xerox, whose chief executive, Ursula Burns, sits on the board, has cut 4,500 jobs in the first six months of 2011.

I'm sure there's a solid reason why a biologist should be on a jobs panel, but it's not coming to me at the moment.

It doesn't matter. The business execs are pretty clueless about creating jobs, otherwise they would have done so.  Instead, a lot of them cut their workforces in response to the horrible Obama economy.

They shouldn't be penalized for that. But couldn't Obama find anyone who, like, you know, actually created jobs to sit on a "job creation panel?"

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