Palestinians to Israelis: Thanks for all the fish

A rocket attack from Gaza that struck several towns in Israel has killed one Israeli civilian and wounded 4 others while setting fires and destroying property elsewhere. The attack comes in the wake of an IDF strike on an Islamic Jihad terror cell where 5 terrorists were killed and 11 injured.

YNet News:

Hours after the IDF killed a terrorist cell which was behind the Grad rocket attack on south Israel earlier this week, three rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip at southern communities on Saturday. A couple of hours later there was a second rocket barrage. The MDA declared a mass-casualty event.

A man in his 50s was hit by shrapnel sustaining light wounds. He was hit while out searching for his son and was taken to the Kaplan Medical Center in Rehovot. One of the rockets landed in a school courtyard in Ashdod causing no injuries. Another landed in an open area near Be'er Tuvia. Later, two mortar shells were fired at the Eshkol Regional Council. No injuries were reported. Another rocket fired towards the Negev exploded in an open field near Bnei Shimon Regional Council.

Al-Quds Brigades, Islamic Jihad's military wing claimed responsibility for the attack. The group stressed this was just the first response to the IDF strike.

The IDF strike was in response to another rocket attack earlier this week.

I suppose it was wildly optimistic to think that the Palsetinians would call at least a temporary halt to their campaign to kill Israeli civilians following the very generous prisoner swap for Gilad Schalit.

Perhaps the Palestinians believe their actionsa are the proper way to say "thanks."

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