Record opposition to Obamacare in new poll

Even the pro-Obamacare group at the Kaiser Foundation can't hide the bad news anymore; the health insurance plan is now opposed by an absolute majority of 51% while only 36% support it.

Public support of last year's health care law hit an all-time low in October as many Democratic voters lost confidence that one of President Barack Obama's major programs will improve their lives, a new poll finds. For the first time, as many people believe the law won't make the country better off as believe it will.

The poll found that 51 percent of the public now dislikes the law and only 34 percent favor it. The scores were the least favorable in the 19 months the Kaiser Family Foundation has been tracking public perceptions. (Kaiser Health News is an editorially independent program of the foundation.)

The public's souring on the law is mostly due to a decrease in backing from Democrats, the poll found. When the Affordable Care Act was signed into law in March 2010, 78 percent of Democrats supported it. In October, only 52 percent did. That was a 13 percentage point decrease just from September and the most tepid enthusiasm to date among Democrats.

The pollsters surmised that much of that dissatisfaction was due to pessimism among Democrats that the law would help them and their families. Only 27 percent of Democrats in October thought it would improve their lot, down from 43 percent in September. Twice as many Democrats - 55 percent - now believe the law won't make much difference in their lives. Even the Democrats who still support the measure remain less passionate about it than are the Republicans who oppose it.

This is going to be a millstone around Obama's neck and feeds the notion that he doesn't know what he's doing. More importantly than how Republicans feel about Obamacare, the fact that just a bare majority of Democrats support the law means there is that much less enthusiasm for Obama and getting him a second term.

More and more Democrats appear ready to stay home on election day.

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