Senior Haqqani commander in Afghanistan captured

Rather than asking Pakistan to go after these terrorists, maybe we should just wait until they show up in Afghanistan and capture or kill them ourselves.


NATO-led forces said on Saturday that they had captured the senior commander for the Haqqani network in Afghanistan, Haji Mali Khan, during an operation in eastern Paktia province earlier in the week.

Khan is "the uncle of Siraj and Badruddin Haqqani ... one of the highest ranking members of the Haqqani network and a revered elder of the Haqqani clan," the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) said in a statement.

Siraj, or Sirajuddin, Haqqani and his brother, Badruddin, are sons of veteran Afghan militant commander Jalaluddin Haqqani.

NATO said Khan had managed bases and operations in both Afghanistan and Pakistan, and moved forces across the border for attacks, as well as transferring funds and sourcing supplies. The force called him "the senior Haqqani commander in Afghanistan."

Khan was captured on Tuesday in Jani Khel district of Paktia province along with his deputy and bodyguard, in an operation by Afghan and foreign forces, NATO said.

He was heavily armed but "submitted ... without incident or resistance," the force said. It did not detail how they had identified Khan.

No doubt we had someone on the inside that betrayed Khan either consciously or by accident. But this will only be a temporary blow to the terrorsts. As we've seen with al-Qaeda, regenerating connections and networks can be done with relative ease in most cases. Haqqani has been around long enough that they can replace Khan fairly quickly.

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