The logical outcome of the OWS movement

As OWS was the logical outcome of three years of Obama's fascistic class warfare rhetoric, nationalizing America's most profitable global companies is the logical outcome of the OWS movement.

As corporations are not people no one will be hurt as we nationalize. It takes medium-sized cities in Shenzhen and Chengdu for Foxconn to manufacture Apple products in China.  Since Apple proudly declares on its packages that their products are designed in California, economic justice demands that we begin to manufacture these products in America as well.  The repatriation of Apple manufacturing infrastructure to the US could create as many as 500,000  positions--all high paying, high quality union jobs--here at home, offsetting by at least a factor twenty-five the jobs lost by the delay of the construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline from Alberta, BC to the Gulf of Mexico. 

By some estimates the cost of manufacturing an iPad 2 might double if its production were moved from China to the US. But this difference can be easily offset with no harm to Apple through subsidies awarded to the 99%.  Any American in the top 1% of the income distribution will pay the American iPad price while the 99% will enjoy the same price level achieved during the period when Apple manufactured the tablet in China.  This two-level price structure can be enforced through a national voucher system administered jointly by the IRS and Department of Commerce.

The total cost for the program should not exceed $16B, much of it regained by the economic activity of the newly unionized Apple work force.  All costs or penalties associated with the shutdown of Apple's Chinese factories and construction of the new domestic factories (distributed according to state population figures) will be borne by Apple.

As this program matures and begins to encompass other industries, OWS will slowly fade as a movement, largely because the American economy will reach full employment and there will be no need for Wall Street at all.

Claude can be reached at

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