Unmitigated Gaul?

The Prime Minister, the mayor Paris and hundreds of other Frenchmen had the unmitigated gall to demonstrate for the right to blaspheme. 
Unlike the wimpy Danish daily Politiken which apologized for publishing the Muhammad cartoons, the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, which, even after having its offices fire-bombed for its first satirical edition on Muhammad, has decided to put out a second satirical edition on Sharia.
The right to blaspheme. Think about it. Blasphemy is punishable by death under Sharia. Muslims are enraged if their religion is mocked (Muhammad was mocked by his own people in his early Meccan period). Think of the Danish trial of Geert Wilders for criticizing Islam. It is becoming de facto law under PC-think that no religion should be criticized (no person is to be denigrated for his religion).  Naturally, the PC-think Paris Times, and other PC-think publications decried the demonstration as Muslim baiting and childish.
But this is a potential breakthrough. A finger in the eye of PC-think. A snuff point for creeping Sharia. The right to blaspheme!
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