Occupy Santa Fe. Seriously?

Not to be outdone by their counterparts on Wall Street and Washington, a few dozen bored rich kids launched Occupy Santa Fe a couple of months back. No Valley Forge types these, though, not when it's snowing in Santa Fe and heaven forbid, they find themselves closely co-habiting with actual members of that 99% they purport to represent.

Liberals in New Mexico find it a constant struggle to prevail in a political environment that, while being dominated by the Democratic Party, remains stubbornly socially conservative due to the prevalence of that same cultural tendency in the majority Catholic, heavily Hispanic population.  In fact, the only two hotbeds of real, coastal leftyism, Santa Fe and Taos, are that way only by result of immigration, and I don't mean from south of the border. Nope, these émigrés are mostly of the Caucasian persuasion and are heavily representative of the infamous 1% we've heard so much about lately. Many are from the entertainment industry based in California and New York and of those who aren't, many are Trustafarians.

Thanks to a tip from Rob Nikolewski of New Mexico Capitol Report, I got my chuckle for the day by reading how these trust fund babies simply can't understand how to deal with a social problem that's been plaguing the world since prehistoric man first fermented grain and inhaled the smoke of burning cannabis from wildfires: inebriated derelicts.

Nikolewski's piece is based on an article in the Santa Fe New Mexican which isn't quite clear on whether or not the Occupy Santa Fe encampment is a Potemkin Village; whether or not the OSF tents are actually occupied at night or whether their weaselly 1% erectors steal away to trendy, stucco, mountainside manses at night isn't resolved.  What the article does convey is a lot of disenchantment on the part of the ostensible occupiers in having to deal with a problem that has been frustrating legitimate societies and governments since time immemorial. Like their messiah, Obama, these Trustafarians are discovering that talk is cheap and dealing with the real problems of the real world can be a real pain.

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