The Agony of Victory, The Thrill of Outcome

The man who acts as commander-in-chief to the world's most elite and benevolent military force, bestowed upon his followers' email yesterday a reverent, humbled message of gratitude for our soldiers and their families, and a rousing defense of the Democracy they safeguard.  Just kidding.

It was a love note, to Obama, from Obama -- an ode to his true love, right after government and campaigning - Obama.   

In its entirety...

Early this morning, the last of our troops left Iraq.

As we honor and reflect on the sacrifices that millions of men and women made for this war, I wanted to make sure you heard the news.

Bringing this war to a responsible end was a cause that sparked many Americans to get involved in the political process for the first time.  Today's outcome is a reminder that we all have a stake in our country's future, and a say in the direction we choose.

Thank you.


This may well have been one of Obama's most authentic campaign communications, if only in its utter insipidness.  The end of a war treated like the hurried tying up of loose ends before some much-anticipated leisure and luxury, for Obama, that is.  Gone is even the pretense of hiding Obama's once clandestine contempt for this Nation's founding principles, and the soldiers who risk life and limb to protect, preserve and proliferate liberty.  His message -- nothing more than acknowledging an end to what he once called a "dumb war." 

It should come as no surprise that Barack Obama, who spoke just last week at Fort Bragg to our heroic soldiers, and now politicizes their mission's end to his base, prefers the term, outcome, to victory.  Whether Obama's responsible end was for the good of country, or campaign, is history's to judge.

We will have our say on the direction we choose come November.  Pray it honors our troops.

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