US regains top spot as world's most charitable nation

After finishing 5th last year, the US has once again reclaimed 1st place as the world's most charitable nation.


Despite the gloomy economic situation, the United States has become the world's most generous nation, according to this year's Charities Aid Foundation's World Giving Index.

Ireland is ranked second followed by Australia, New Zealand and the U.K. Charities Aid Foundation used Gallup's Worldview Poll to look at three behaviors: "giving money, volunteering time and helping a stranger."

The U.S. came out on top after being ranked fifth last year.

"Overall the World Giving Index demonstrates that the world has become a more charitable place over the last 12 months - with a 2 percent increase in the global population 'helping a stranger' and a 1% increase in people volunteering," CAF said in its press release.

The Washington Post, reporting on the survey, shows that wealth and charity don't necessarily go together. Of the world's top 20 wealthiest nations, only 5 made it into the top 20 most charitable.

And who is bringing up the rear as least charitable nations?

China, Russia, and India.

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