Obama: Promise and Fulfillment

In the 2008 campaign, Obama was packaged as the man who would be our first post-partisan, post-racial, post-carbon, post-beltway, post-bellicose foreign policy president. At last Americans would be free of the stain and humiliation of racism. Americans would be free of the childish thoroughly nasty divisiveness of our political life. The culture inside the beltway would no longer be one of collusion of lobbysts and politicians. No more

crony capitalism and under the table deals. Obama's administration would be transparent and above board. Opposing views would be treated with respect and the dialog would be adult and informed.

Americans bought it. Why not? Obama was suave, urbane articulate and sincere. His projection of sincerity and forthrightfulness was undeniable.

And now where are we? Conned, disillusioned, fractious, race conscious and broke - not to mention being sneered at by Russia, Iran, North Korea and China. And Islamism? On the wane? We were to be loved and respected. Obama's policy of "engagement" is looking more and more like appeasement and any attempt to project power is sneered at.

For 2012 Obama is left with buying votes with food stamps, regulatory wavers, redistributing wealth, class warfare and stirring up racial animosity to garner "minority" votes. Holder is Obama's shakedown Capo. Under threat of being charged with racial discrimination Holder is forcing banks to make subprime loans to minorities all over again. If he can get enough people on the Obama dole he just may make it.

Are we happy yet?

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