Obama's Words Again Don't Match Actions

Last week's State of the Union address by the President sounded great. If one didn't follow any other news about the economy, jobs, bailouts, regulations, etc and just happened to catch the speech, the easy takeaway would be that the President understands what it takes to move us forward and has it in hand (if it weren't for those ostensible scoundrels in Congress). But for those of us who know the real story, its again an amazing display of words that are in stark contract to actions.

For instance, the President said in the speech, "No bailouts, no handouts, and no copouts." So either he agrees now it was a bad idea to bailout GM or Solyndra or his support of TARP and even larger bailouts he has called for, or he wants us to forget he had any part of that. Sounds also like a copout. Not to mention after making that statement, in the same speech making a case for more handouts and spending.

And speaking of past bailouts, some of the most vexing to the business community have been the bailouts to Big Labor. The most recent is the controversial (read: unconstitutional) appointments to the National Labor Relations Board. The NLRB has had quite a run during this Administration, attacking employers and job creators at a record pace. This reign of terror was about to run out as the Board had lost a quorum due to term limits on its members, and rather than a discussion and confirmation process the White House reloaded it.

The Washington Post reported the other day that, "Labor board chief says he won't let recess controversy deter push for new rules". And that: "Undeterred by Republican protests, Mark Pearce said he will urge the board to approve the new rules now that it has a full component of five members after President Barack Obama bypassed the Senate to fill three vacancies."

These new rules include speeding up union organizing elections and requiring businesses to hand over emails and contact info for employees to union organizers, amongst others.

How does that not count precisely for bailouts, handouts, and copouts?

Brett McMahon is President of Miller and Long DC and a spokesman for the Halt the Assault campaign

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