The Conscience of a Chameleon


Newt is so smart that he has all the right answers for any crowd he happens to be speaking to.  In 2009 Gingrich stated he had some problems with Obama, but then heaped praise on Obama's Stimulus spending and especially on seed money for ObamaCare's centralized big government healthcare database!  And Gingrich was happy to discuss his big government "solutions" on how to combat the global warming hoax with John Kerry.  Notice how Newt accepts Kerry's phony premise hook, line, and sinker without a hint of skepticism. Perhaps Newt will propose that ObamaCare's database be tweaked to track our "carbon loaded" footprints as well, (as a cost saving measure, of course!)

While Clinton found it politically expedient to say that "the era of big government is over," Newt found it politically expedient to deem that "the era of Reagan is over."  Of course, now Newt thinks it politically savvy to deem himself a Reagan Conservative.   It makes one wonder: if the devil somehow made The Mark of the Beast popular, would Gingrich formulate a more efficient conservative "solutions based model" to stamp the masses into submission?  What would Toffler do?

When Clinton surrendered the notion that the era of big government was over, the ever nimble Newt was there to save Clinton from himself by caving in on the budget.  Newt's appetite for conservatism failed him on his very first mission as a conservative leader.  A cowed Gingrich gave "government shut downs" a bad name to this very day.  And while Newt claims that he actually won the budget showdown with Clinton, Newt has offered his same losing budget advice to John Boehner.  We can all rightfully thank Newt's for his failed congressional advice as the Obama Regime's spending spree goes on unabated.

When Clinton exposed himself as a national security risk and subjected himself and the nation to potetnial blackmail, Gingrich logged more hours enjoying cigars with Bill Clinton than Monica Lewinsky did.  Think about that for a moment.  When America needed a Speaker to stand up to another lawless president, Gingrich was immorally held hostage by the likes of porn hustler Larry Flynt.

But don't worry; Newt is a "Reagan Conservative" and follows Reagan's 11th Commandment.  Newt was the first GOP candidate to deplore negative advertising before he was for it.  His super pac is now running his own ads depicting Romney as a predatory capitalist who destroyed jobs and communities.  I forget; is Gingrich running for president or is he pining to be David Axelrod's unpaid intern? 

After Iowa, the GOP base is starting to get an Alvin Toffler Third Wave of futuristic nausea with Newt's shifting political shenanigans.  The GOP's futurist wonder-boy's super pac is called Winning Our Future, (not to be confused with Obama's Winning The Future, mind you...) If you are still confused, even Gingrich's super pac "Winning Our Future" sounds exactly like what it is; a crass marketing campaign a casino tycoon uses to entice the gullible to gamble on a losing bet. 

But then again, who am I to say?  I am not fit enough to carry the Honorable Mr. Gingrich's baggage. 

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