A One-University Solution?

Harvard University will be hosting an event called "One State Conference: Israel/Palestine and the One State Solution."  According to the conference's website, its "main goal is to educate ourselves and others about the possible contours of a one-state solution and the challenges that stand in the way of its realization."

In other news, Israel will be hosting a parallel event entitled "One University Conference: Harvard/Boston and the One University Solution."  Participants will discuss the possible contours of a one-university solution involving Harvard, Northeastern, and UMass-Boston, and the challenges that stand in the way of its realization. 

Well, not really.  But we can dream, can't we? Surely the idea of Israelis meeting to contemplate a forced merger of Harvard with other area universities is no more bizarre than this group of elites getting together to "discuss" (that is, advocate) the destruction of a country by merging its people into a larger, hostile population.  No doubt the students and faculty of Harvard would protest vigorously at the loss of identity and the damage to the institution from the influx of some 50,000 students and faculty from other universities.  Yet they have no qualms about associating themselves with this conference, where the consequences of the "solution" would likely be not just the loss of an institution, but the subjugation (if not outright murder) of millions of people.

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