Conservative Titans Take to the Mattresses!


Pour some coffee and pass the pancakes because a bare knuckled constitutional conservative kerfuffle is upon us!  Conservative hot button heroine Ann Coulter has been called on the carpet by Constitutional conservative champion Mark Levin over RomneyCare.  While the intellectual battle has only begun, the winner will be a sharpened conservative argument against government intrusion into healthcare at all levels.

Boldly going where conservative angels fear to tread is Coulter's forte.  Her masterful defense of Joe McCarthy ought to shame those who let the communist inspired slander "McCarthyism" slip from their lips to this day.  But Coulter's cheerleading of her man Mitt's RomneyCare was immediately trampled upon by conservative consigliere Mark Levin.

While both Coulter and Levin have law degrees and speak eloquently on the issues of the day Levin soundly rejected Coulter's brief on RomneyCare as a legal scholar would school a fresh faced law clerk.  In not so subtle terms Levin made a brilliant point by point rebuttal and in real time as he read from Coulter's cheerleading piece on RomneyCare. 

This is a great time to be a conservative. 

And it falls upon Romney, not his cheerleaders, to answer his critics.  Romney needs to be grilled over white hot tiki torches over his breach of individual liberty that RomneyCare embodies.  Even if one accepts Romney's defense that states should be the laboratories for societal solutions, thinking Americans should reject the concept that states should act as incubators for socialism.

And if one accepts Romney's states-as-laboratory argument then doesn't Romney owe us an account of his Massachusetts liberty stealing scheme? It is not as if not enough time has passed to declare RomneyCare an abject failure on many counts.  If one of the main reasons ObamaCare ought to be repealed is that it takes away liberty, then the same is true for RomneyCare.  If a reason to repeal ObamaCare is that is makes both insurance and healthcare more expensive then RomneyCare is just as rotten on the same grounds.  If ObamaCare makes doctors and nurses underpaid slaves of the state then doesn't RomneyCare? Coulter and Levin have raised a cardinal issue but it is Romney that owes the nation the lab results of his failed experiment.

Because now is the time for choosing. And the basic choice was laid out by Ronald Reagan; "Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American Revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves."  The issue for Romney to answer is a simple one; Do our government servants work for us in defending our liberties or are we to become servants to a never ending ruling class who take away our liberty under the guise of government benevolence?  As always the fate of the nation is at stake.

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