George Stephanopoulos: Stalking Horse or Duck Decoy?

I suppose you could label George Stephanopoulos a stalking horse:

A stalking horse is a person who tests a concept with someone or mounts a challenge against them on behalf of an anonymous third party. If the idea proves viable and/or popular, the anonymous figure can then declare their interest and advance the concept with little risk of failure. If the concept fails, the anonymous party will not be tainted by association and can either drop the idea completely or bide their time and wait until a better moment for launching an attack.

That pretty well sums up the performance of George Stephanopoulos in the recent Republican debate where he was supposedly a moderator, but who came across more like a duck decoy. On the increasingly murky national pond of the Republican debates, George attempted to float an issue that had almost all viewers and the follow-on, deconstructing pundits scratching their heads. Why on earth was Stephanopoulos so persistent on this particular issue? Why did he so inexplicably keep at it, like a famished quacker frantically seeking some nugget of corn?

Well, in the wake of the Obama Administration's subsequent attempts to cram the birth control and abortion issue down the throats of American Catholics and other religious health care organizations, we can now see precisely how George qualifies as the duck decoy who lured every unsuspecting American, prole, pol and pundit into range of that big ol' shotgun the Obama Administration was preparing to direct against the First Amendment to the Constitution.

I'm not interested in rehashing the constitutional issues here. That's best left to Mark Levin. My aim is to bring attention to how deep in the pond liberal media quacks like Daffy George are willing to submerge themselves while furthering the socialist agenda of the left wing of the Democratic Party. In retrospect, it is all but too easy to see that the diminutive drake, the soft-quacking George was attempting to lure any one or all of his high-flying and unsuspecting Republican dupes down into effective range. He was surely hoping they'd land on the Obama Administration's pre-targeted pond where their expressed views could then be used by the Democrats to blow them out of the water on contraception and women's health issues.

Fortunately, none of our Republican candidates is a bird brain and all refused to be lured into lethal range by the curious quacking of this dubious duck. That George allowed himself to be used in such sorry fashion by the Obama Administration demonstrates not only the extent to which the mainstream media's cozening quacks swim in the malodorous Democrat swamp, but also that they can be as easily planted and manipulated for deceptive purpose as the cheapest plastic duck decoy. In a display of mortal justice, when the inept and inexperienced planter of said decoys finally took his best shot, he blew off his own toes.

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