It's Really Quite Simple, Lou

Who pays for the contraceptives.


No, who.

What are the contraceptives for?

Yes, they are for what.

That's the question.

But who uses the contraceptives?

No, who pays.

Who pays what?

No, that would be wrong. What uses the contraceptives, but who pays.

OK...then how much

Well, that would be fair, but who is more reliable.

How much more reliable?

No, we live in an imperfect world.

I know that

No, I already told you that would be wrong, but fair. I don't think you knew that.


True, what didn't know that either, but still needed the contraceptives.

Still needed the contraceptives for what?

No, actually still needed them for that.


Good guess. What... for... true love.

Is the government involved with true love?

Just when I thought you were confused, you figured it out. Who is the government.

Yes, I was confused but not still. Now I am angry.

Welcome to the club!

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