Problem Solved?

The President has now determined a solution to the brouhaha he inspired by his mandate on the Catholic Church, that they be forced to provide free contraceptives for women.  Many words have already been written in regard to this topic.  But, even the Obama administration had to finally admit that the move was a profound violation of the constitutionally protected right of religious freedom.  Surely this 'compromise' has to be an admission of this fact, doesn't it?  Or is it a simple, political 'walk-back' to avoid shedding votes of such a large voter block?
We should all heave a sigh of relief, now, right?  The President realized the error of his ways, and is working to right his wrongdoing.  No harm, no foul.
No way.
This President swore an oath of office:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Given the fact that the birth of this nation was founded upon the desire of our forebears to live in a land where they could freely practice their religious beliefs, and live their lives according to the principles and doctrines established by those religions; and given the fact that the founders of this free land established in writing, the establishment of a protected religious right to each citizen of this nation, that such rights would be protected by the government; and given that this protection was the first and foremost consideration among many that was ensconced in our charter, this President and his HHS dictator clearly, definitively broke that oath of office. 
I realize that no one with the powers to begin impeachment proceedings (Congress), has the guts to do so -- I'm not that naive.  But this breach of trust should be the 'shot across the bow' for all citizens of this nation.  It should be a warning to us, to rid our country of all such public menaces -- including Kathleen Sebelius, Eric Holder, and on and on.  For those who thought George W. was public enemy number 1, and who idolize the current White House rock star, you should recognize the threat that Obama's expansion of governmental control and constitutional go-around has created.  Someday, there will be a Republican in the White House.  So every window that Obama has cracked open to let a little tyranny in, will already be open for the next guy.  And Obama has promised us he is only getting started -- imagine what he can accomplish with 4 more years!
The birth control mandate was a signal by this president that he most certainly does not hold the Constitution as sacred.  He also underscored the reality that the left has most certainly been engaged in a war against religion, and now they will take no prisoners.  This move was a ruthless slap in the face to Catholics, and to all believers of any faith, that this administration believes he alone -- not God -- should determine your actions and behaviors.  He has established himself as the supreme arbiter of humanity -- as though he is a god.
We have seen his type before, in history.
Rally, America!  We have been warned!

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