Social Issues Could Loosen Obama's Hold On Senior Blacks

Dad opened the door and I gave him an ear-full. My 84 year old black dad who is a minister in Maryland called me here in Florida.  He said Maryland is considering passing a same sex marriage law. Assuming his Christian denomination would oppose such a law, Dad called his Bishop regarding info for a planned protest.

To Dad's shock and horror, the Bishop said they decided not to protest the law because several of their ministers support the law. Then, the Bishop added, "Don't worry Rev. Marcus, you will not be forced to marry anyone you do not want to marry."

I told Dad the Bishop was incorrect about him not being forced to perform gay marriage ceremonies. I explained the left's tactic of "incrementalism."  For example. Smoking went from being confined to the back of the airplane to being banned from airports. I guarantee that after Maryland passes their same sex marriage law, eventually all ministers will be forced to comply with the law or lose their license.  Dad could even be sued for discrimination or charged with a hate-crime.

Dad told me about the gay lobby fighting every year at their annual conference for his denomination to approve ordaining gay clergy. He said despite several defeats, they come back stronger every year. I told Dad liberals are relentless in their efforts to further their agenda. They never go away. Dad said, "I am just following what the Bible says. And yet, they call me homophobic."

I told Dad, "phobic" implies mental illness. Think about that. If you disagree with men having sex with men, the left says you are mentally ill and in need of therapy.

Dad is a lifelong Democrat and Obama fanatic.  I flooded Dad with examples of the anti-Christian/anti-God culture war that is going on in our country.  I informed Dad that the majority of those who are fighting to dismantle everything he believes to be right, live in "his" Democratic Party. Dad listened.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American. Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama. Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin. Spokesperson for Tea Party Express. Please help me spread my message by joining my Liberty Network.

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