Stop Picking on President Bully

The latest Obama campaign plea arrived in my inbox today -- "Tired of the Obama bashing?"  Such frank honesty, amid grammatical ambiguity, made me wonder if I was being had.  But as long as it's the Obama camp asking - yes -- I tire of Obama's petulant bashing of those he presumes to have been handed a winning ticket in life's fairness lottery.

Of course, Obama's Deputy Campaign Manager, Julianna Smoot, isn't referring to Obama and his constant bashing of others -- pitting citizen against citizen, bullying those who refuse to bow to tyranny, and dooming even those he claims to champion with government-inspired fairness.  Smoot is referring to the audacious bashing of her put-upon Oppressor-in-Chief, Obama himself, which is nothing if not a rather pathetic and unconvincing role reversal.

Laughably, the Republican basher du jour happens to be the Democrats' favored opponent, Mitt Romney, who simply dared mention the Republican's 2012 objective is defeating Barack Obama.  The nerve.  How downright bullish of Republicans to presume to run against Democrats, even as they work to ensure Republican defeat with moderate candidates.  Pity we haven't forsaken elections altogether in the name of a more civilized end to liberty.

Frankly, it's just laughable to call out anyone as bully to Obama's victim, considering his record of disdain and destruction.  There is simply no worse threat to this nation's privileged sovereignty, liberty, and prosperity than the bully in the White House.  So all encompassing is Obama's bullying -- Tea Partiers, taxpayers, doctors, Christians, military, business owners, the successful, tofu-loathing children, the entire economy, to name but a few -- it's simpler to list the citizens Obama hasn't yet bashed; lovers of big government and tyrannical Statism, and its many dependents.

Sadly, there's nothing remotely humorous about free citizens who not only welcome, but willingly fund their own subjugation.  Worse, they embrace a campaign which heralds the bottom donor, even as Obama jet sets at enormous taxpayer expense to lavish, star-studded campaign events -- more than a dozen in January -- some with ticket prices as high as $35,800.  The campaign raised $68 million in the last three months of 2011 alone.   And to think none of those donors were far-right Tea Party types.  If classism is the Obama campaign's mantra, they make for their own illustration.

The only threat more dangerous than Obama himself is the voter who embraces his own bully.  Subjugation -- even at the bargain price of a $3 dollar donation -- is no bargain at all.

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