The Only Conscience is The Liberal Conscience?

It seems another group has fallen victim to the Left's assault on individual conscience this week, followed by a proper outcry of righteous indignation.  The administration's affront to religious liberty is a contemptible tyranny (redundant, I know), but perhaps it should garner no more than a collective palm to forehead and a big, duh.  Because, frankly, those who have yet to see the pattern here are missing the point entirely.  This isn't about the conscience of any one group, not even Catholics.  If any message is to be taken away, it is that the only conscience is the liberal conscience -- and it knows no compromise.  So sayeth the Left. 

Before anyone contends this belabors the obvious, it does.  But it bears mention - and repeat, and proclamation, and declaration -- if only because so many Republicans and naïve middle dwellers are so fond of terms like reaching across the aisle and electability; bipartisan photo ops on the golf course, super committees, and relying on the Left's better nature. 

Frankly, it would be far easier for the Left if people would just get this through their thick skulls once and for all -- the Left simply knows better than the rest of us.  And resistance isn't just futile; it's unbecoming, if not downright uncivil.  Frankly, even Obama must tire of the same lesson spewing from his teleprompter over and over - at Rose Garden ceremonies, factory tours, prayer breakfasts, State of the Union addresses, memorial services, campaign events, weekly addresses.  Let my conscience be your guide.

So, let's review, shall we.  Because fundamental transformation would go a lot more swimmingly, and the old teleprompter could take a breather, if only those of any real moral conscience could see themselves as the obstacles they are: the rugged, self-reliant individualist; the free market Capitalist; the medical expert doctor, not bureaucrat; the Christian; the defender of liberty, our military; those who refuse the narrative of their own victimhood - Marco Rubio for one; and those who stand for individual liberty, limited government, the free market, and the Constitution - the Tea Party and conservatives.

The Catholic is simply one on the long list of those whose conscience is getting in the way of the narrative -- government.  The sooner the non-compliant relent, the sooner we can all lie back and enjoy the ease that is the control of every aspect of our lives - willingly embracing our own shackles as would the Occupier, the dependent, victim groups, the sycophant and the merely stupid.  There are, after all, only so many opportunities - killing Osama Bin Laden, posturing accommodations, townhall shootings, beer summits, tax rebate bribes, and Republican debates -- to distract from the administration having to look downright overtly tyrannical. 

And to think this collective conscience is dictated by a President who luxuriously jets across the country at taxpayer expense -- stopping first in Wisconsin to lecture on fair share and preen over an economy that was simply far worse than he expected when he took office -- for three days and eight campaign fundraisers filled with Hollywood celebrities, Grammy winning musicians, and toady lefties, all too willing to forsake any conscience for a mere $35,800 donation and a vote.   

This is the lesson of the day - if not the last century - the only conscience is the Leftist's conscience.  Just ask any Leftist.  The sooner that's understood, the better, because the next swell of outrage may actually be too little too late. 

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