Obama's solidarity with 'marginalized' Muslim enclaves of Europe

Obama's representatives in Europe are on an apology and outreach mission to affirm US solidarity with "marginalized" Muslim enclaves and pressing foreign governments to open up their institutions to accommodate Islamic cultural norms (i.e., to become more Sharia compliant).

In Spain, the U.S. Ambassador Alan Solomont told Muslims assembled at the town hall-like meeting in the heart of Barcelona's old city that Barack Obama wants to improve America's image in the Middle East as quickly as possible by closing the "dark chapters" of the U.S. invasion of Iraq and the war in Afghanistan.

In Ireland, the U.S. Ambassador Dan Rooney, a lifelong Republican turned Obama acolyte, told members of a seminar held to help Muslim immigrants increase their influence within the Irish business and financial communities, that the US was "solidly behind" efforts to bring the Irish banking system into conformity with Islamic legal principles.

In Austria, the US Ambassador William Eacho, an Obama campaign fundraiser turned political appointee, awarded the first prize in a film contest to promote "diversity and tolerance" to a group of students in the northern Austrian town of Steyr who produced a one-minute silent film promoting tolerance for Muslim women who wear Islamic face-covering veils such as burkas in public spaces

This outreach program, the Obama administration alleges, will make us safer in the US as accommodated Muslim enclaves in Europe will become less fertile breeding grounds for terrorists.

The bottom line is that Obama's "Counter-Radicalization" strategy is a give in to blackmail. The West must give in to creeping Sharia or pay the price: terrorist attacks. Only the tribute this time is not money but values - especially the values of freedom of association (the right to leave a religion) and freedom of speech (the right to criticize a religion). However tendentious the justification, it is blackmail. And the Obama administration is giving in. 

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