Oops, NPR accidentally tells the truth

Something that sounds an awful lot like a confession that New York's public radio station WNYC "go[es] after" the New York Police department slipped past the lips of reporter and senior producer Collin Campell, during a fundraising marathon. The New York Post reports:

What do listeners get for their donation dollars, asked the on-air pitchman, WNYC reporter and senior producer Collin Campbell.

"We pay for WNYC reporters, like Arun Venugopal, who go after the NYPD . . ."

There's a minor epidemic of gaffes -- a.k.a. truth telling -- on the left. Norman Finkelstein revealed what the anti-Israel Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions movement is all about. Energy Secretary Steven Chu told the truth, that rising gasoline prices are the plan, and now Collin Campbell telling us that the mission is to damage the police department of the City of New York.

Hat tip: Ed Lasky

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