Sharpton Calling for Civil Disobedience

In response to the Sanford Police Department's failure to arrest the man accused in the shooting death of Florida teen Trayvon Martin, a local chapter of the NAACP organized a march that planned to bus into Sanford, Florida a number of Skittle-eating, hoodie-wearing protestors from other states. 

According to the Seminole County chapter president of the NAACP, Turner Clayton, the intent was for the "rallies show support from the community and show the special prosecutor that 'we are interested in what happened, and we're not going to stand by and let them do something that the people of Sanford will not accept.'"  Nothing wrong with that.

However, much to the chagrin of Mr. Turner, Al Sharpton will also attend the march.  Contrary to the polite and peaceful demonstration the NAACP had planned, if local law enforcement doesn't obey the commands of the mob and immediately arrest George Zimmerman, Sharpton has upped the ante to include "civil disobedience."

Full-time racial agitator, part-time preacher of the Gospel Al Sharpton calls his plan "mov[ing] it to the next level" and, trust me, he's not talking about his hairdo. 

Fiercely critical of the Sanford Police Department's failure to arrest George Zimmerman, in addition to civil disobedience Sharpton has also threatened "economic sanctions," which could only mean Al plans to buy his hair products elsewhere. 

Mr. Clayton, after learning about Reverend Sharpton's intent, issued the following statement:

We hope that the citizens of Sanford will govern themselves accordingly. We are not calling for any sanctions, against any business or anyone else. And, of course, what Rev. Sharpton does, that's strictly the [National] Action Network.  We can't condone that part of the conversation, if that's what he said." 

With that kind of attitude, maybe Al Sharpton should protest Turner Clayton too!

Either way, the civil rights activist/MSNBC talk show host promised that at the march he would elaborate on how the National Action Network plans to "move it to the next level" if the shooter isn't promptly arrested.

Defending against the accusation that he is once again shamelessly exploiting a tragedy, Sharpton added that it was Trayvon's family, who call Zimmerman a "vigilante," and their legal team who requested he make public the injustice of failing to arrest the neighborhood watch leader.

Sharpton, who was already fuming weeks ago, is presently up in arms over a recently released police video taken on the night of the shooting.  In it, Zimmerman's hands are cuffed behind his back, but despite his claim of self-defense he looks uninjured in the grainy video.

Al Sharpton maintains that without blood evidence, broken bones and a sizable head gash, the video revelations only underscore the need for Zimmerman's immediate arrest and trial.

Even if Zimmerman's claims are true, it doesn't matter, because according to the reverend, "Whether he had a swollen or broken nose, neither one means he had to take a 9mm and kill someone." 

In other words, being ambushed while walking to your car on a rainy night by a tall young man in a hoodie and allegedly having your nose broken and your head repeatedly smashed against the sidewalk does not justify defending yourself with any means available.

Now Sharpton is not only criticizing the way authorities have handled the case, but also the manner in which they've "released information." Thus, Al Sharpton, the king of harmful precedents, is contending that by failing to arrest George Zimmerman the Sanford police are "setting a harmful precedent."

At this juncture, Sharpton says that "It's not about saying Zimmerman is innocent or guilty, this is about whether there was probable cause to arrest him."  Which is largely true.  However, with Sharpton's biased history one can't help but wonder - if Trayvon had shot and killed George under the exact same circumstances, would Al have then deemed his arrest racially motivated?  Is the Pope Catholic?

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