The Real Obama Truth Squad

The campaign to reelect President Obama has on their web page a Truth Team with a folder that has "Keeping His Word" as the common theme.  Governor Romney has taken a lot of heat from the Etch-a-Sketch quip.  So the President has drawn from the Slick Willy Teflon man playbook his own Etch-a-Sketch re-setting history. Let's  remind President Obama and Joe Biden of their "promises" from their 2008 campaign web page.  I printed them for posterity since I knew this day would come.  Let's address President Obama's Blueprint for Change - Fiscal.

  • 1. Barack Obama will restore fiscal discipline to Washington. Under President Bush the federal debt increased (over 8 years) from $5.7 trillion to $ 8.8 trillion, an increase of more than 50 percent. It is $15.6 trillion now or 77 percent more than when President Obama started. What is more interesting is to compare the rate of National Debt piling up. Assuming an equal monthly distribution, under President Bush the rate was $30 billion a month. Under President Obama, it's been $190 billion a month. That is not only a six-fold increase, but it means every citizen of the United States is racking up just under $600 of debt a month under President Obama.
  • 2. Irresponsible Tax Cuts. Denounced Bush tax cuts -- but where do those same tax cuts stand today? President Obama denounces the wealthy 'millionaires' who benefit but everyone else does not. Last time I checked the President is one of those millionaires.
  • 3. Reinstate PAYGO rules. I guess item (1) answers this.
  • 4. Make Government Spending More Accountable and Efficient. Solyndra! Need I say more?
  • 5. End Wasteful Government Spending. Obama and Biden will stop funding wasteful obsolete federal government programs that make no sense (and replace them with new crony capital paybacks to our campaign bundlers). Possibly this meant closing the 20 year investment in Yucca Mountain. Maybe this was about supporting Speaker Pelosi's use of government aircraft to fly routinely coast to coast. Maybe it was for establishing programs like Fast & Furious that somehow would have had some sort of return on the investment. Or maybe it was dragging their feet on paying VA benefits promptly to our wounded veterans.
  • 6. Make the Tax System Fair & Efficient. The common theme is tax the rich more. Already nearly half of the population pays no federal income taxes. So if we tax only a very small sector of our taxpayer base it will become more efficient. So we could streamline the IRS. And of course this is "fair".

This was a sample of candidates' Obama and Biden Plan for Restoring Fiscal Discipline.  This was just one of many cornerstones of the Hope and Change message to American voters in 2008.  When there's a problem there's a symptom to detect it; a diagnosis to treat the problem; and a commitment to implement the recommendations of the diagnosis. 

There's no doubt when the President was running in 2008 there were problems. Fiscal discipline is one of the first orders of business to get a firm back on track.  In November, before you pull the lever, ask yourself if these key fiscal promises were kept and how have the actions or lack thereof affected you and your family.  Will the alternative on the ballot keep his or her promises.  Then pull that lever and let's hope collectively that we get three cherries in 2012, not the three lemons we got in 2008!

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