Does Romney have a prayer in November?

As I type this post, Mitt Romney is well on his way to being the Republican nominee in the presidential race.  But does he have a prayer against President Obama?

Granted, we have several months to go, but let's face it-things look rather bleak right now if you're an opponent (as I am) of the Obama administration.  

From Reuters:

Women voters helped President Barack Obama take a large lead over Republican front-runner candidate Mitt Romney in a dozen battleground states, a USA TODAY/Gallup poll said on Monday....

Support for Obama among women under the age of 50 surged from mid-February, the poll found, putting the president ahead of Romney by 51 percent against 42 percent among all voters.  Obama led Romney among the women with 54 percent, compared to Romney's 36 percent....

The Republican Party has traditionally had a hard sell with women voters, who are more likely to register as Democrats.  Republican criticism of birth control played a big role in the party's race for the presidential nomination in recent weeks, with Romney promising to end Planned Parenthood, which provides family planning services....

Family planning services?  I think it's far more accurate to say "family killing services," but I digress...

I asked Father Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, who has been supportive of pro-life Republicans, to comment on the above story. 

Father's response:

The story about this poll doesn't tell us the reason why the female voters expressed the preference they did. The United States bishops, of course, have warned against voting for a candidate just because he or she belongs to the same party as the voter.  More critical thinking, based upon principle rather than self-interest or mere party loyalty, is needed.  When it comes to what serves women, an objective look at the damage that Planned Parenthood and its products bring to women would be a good place for women voters to start.  

It goes without saying that many women and men are on the side of the angels, so to speak.  They oppose the Obama administration's actions.  They get it, if you will.  However, that "many" just doesn't appear to be enough.

I hope I'm wrong.

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