Fallon/Obama Comedy Team Plays To The Clueless

President Obama's embarrassing most recent attack on the GOP on the Jimmy Fallon TV show confirms his reelection campaign strategy is to appeal to the clueless. Obama shamelessly, before a cheering audience, pressured Congress to freeze interest rates on student loans.

Obama focusing on interest rates is yet another smoke and mirrors distraction from the real issues: college tuition rates tripling since 1996, economic stagnation, and skyrocketing fuel prices. Educational-loan debt has ballooned to $1 trillion, surpassing the amount Americans owe on credit cards.

And what the heck is the federal government doing running the student loan business anyway? I will save my rant on that topic for another day.

Also absent from Obama stump speeches is economic common sense. Obama basically says evil Republicans should approve giving people stuff simply because they need it or want it. Obama, lord of the clueless.

The enthusiastic audience response to the Fallon/Obama comedy bit made me think, "If these entitlement minded clueless youths are our future, America is in deep, deep trouble."

While this blog is not an ad for Hillsdale College, I could not help thinking, "Thank God there are still a few true institutions of higher learning such as Hillsdale College; where our kids are taught to be thinkers. Wow, what a radical concept!

Most American colleges are occupied by dictatorial liberal America-hating professors. They teach "group think". Any student disagreeing with their professor will see the professor's wrath reflected in their failing grade.

At Hillsdale College, students are actually taught the U.S. Constitution which is considered by Obama and company to be an outdated and racist old rag written by dead white guys.

Folks, there is no way to dignify or dress-up the disgraceful Fallon/Obama "demonize and pressure the GOP" comedy bit featured on the Fallon TV show. It was totally designed to appeal to the clueless.

For good measure, they even threw in a line about Tim Tebow - clearly, a back door dig against Christians. In the comedy bit, Obama even worked in his trademark class-envy attack on the rich.

There is a dumbed-down culture war taking place in our country folks. And, President Obama is leading the charge.

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American Chairman - www.CampaignToDefeatObama.com; www.LloydMarcus.com

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