Guess who flunks the diversity test?

Below is a picture of the staff at Obama's Chicago Campaign Headquarters from the Washington Free Beacon. Funny how this overwhelmingly white staff has escaped media comment. I guess it doesn't fit the narrative.  Ace at Ace of Spades quipped that John Derbyshire told his kids that it would be okay to work there.  He added this comment

Buzzfeed's very comfortable Obama's Campaign HQ.

As well they should be. They look just like Ben Smith's prep school's AV team.

"There is a very, very good feeling here," David Axelrod, Obama's senior advisor, told BuzzFeed.

Indeed! That feeling? The ineluctable frisson one gets from knowing that everyone around you watches Downton Abbey, or maybe even appeared as an extra in a fox-hunting scene on Downton Abbey, or actually was born and raised at Downton Abbey.

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